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We too are committed.

Ensemble, nous nous investissons dans des causes nobles pour un monde meilleur. 

L’argent récolté durant tout l’événement sera reversé aux associations partenaires. 

Capture d’écran 2023-12-11 à 10.20.16.png

Synthetic ice to save the planet !

Our new eco-circuit offers the pleasure of sliding just like on ice, without the negative environmental impact of ice production. The pleasure of sliding eco-responsibly without consuming water or energy. Each plate purchased has allowed us to plant 600 trees in 2023, and our ambition is to expand the circuit even more in 2024.


trees planted


kg of CO2 per day



liter of water consumed 

Un village GREEN
pour une conduite responsable


Dans ce village green, les exposant sont engagées dans une démarche environnementale pour présenter les technologie du futur afin de réduire notre empreinte carbone.

Each car in the competition will cover an average of seven laps of one minute each . A total of 125km for 50 cars over the weekend, for the emission of the equivalent of 62kg of CO2 per day.


Find out more about the Glice surface used for our synthetic board track

To go beyond the installation of eco-responsible sliding structures, Glice offsets its carbon emissions on a company-wide scale.

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